Source code for webwhatsapi

WebWhatsAPI module

.. moduleauthor:: Mukul Hase <>, Adarsh Sanjeev <>

import binascii
import logging
from json import dumps, loads

import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from axolotl.kdf.hkdfv3 import HKDFv3
from axolotl.util.byteutil import ByteUtil
from base64 import b64decode
from io import BytesIO
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
from import expected_conditions as EC
from import WebDriverWait

from import Chat, UserChat, factory_chat
from import Contact
from .objects.message import MessageGroup, factory_message
from .wapi_js_wrapper import WapiJsWrapper

__version__ = '2.0.3'

class WhatsAPIDriverStatus(object):
    Unknown = 'Unknown'
    NoDriver = 'NoDriver'
    NotConnected = 'NotConnected'
    NotLoggedIn = 'NotLoggedIn'
    LoggedIn = 'LoggedIn'

[docs]class WhatsAPIException(Exception): pass
[docs]class ChatNotFoundError(WhatsAPIException): pass
[docs]class ContactNotFoundError(WhatsAPIException): pass
[docs]class WhatsAPIDriver(object): """ This is our main driver objects. .. note:: Runs its own instance of selenium """ _PROXY = None _URL = "" _LOCAL_STORAGE_FILE = 'localStorage.json' _SELECTORS = { 'firstrun': "#wrapper", 'qrCode': "img[alt=\"Scan me!\"]", 'qrCodePlain': "._2EZ_m", 'mainPage': ".app.two", 'chatList': ".infinite-list-viewport", 'messageList': "#main > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div.message-list", 'unreadMessageBar': "#main > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div.message-list > div.msg-unread", 'searchBar': ".input", 'searchCancel': ".icon-search-morph", 'chats': ".infinite-list-item", 'chatBar': 'div.input', 'sendButton': 'button.icon:nth-child(3)', 'LoadHistory': '.btn-more', 'UnreadBadge': '.icon-meta', 'UnreadChatBanner': '.message-list', 'ReconnectLink': '.action', 'WhatsappQrIcon': 'span.icon:nth-child(2)', 'QRReloader': '.qr-wrapper-container' } _CLASSES = { 'unreadBadge': 'icon-meta', 'messageContent': "message-text", 'messageList': "msg" } logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) driver = None # Profile points to the Firefox profile for firefox and Chrome cache for chrome # Do not alter this _profile = None def get_local_storage(self): return self.driver.execute_script('return window.localStorage;') def set_local_storage(self, data): self.driver.execute_script(''.join(["window.localStorage.setItem('{}', '{}');".format(k, v) for k, v in data.items()]))
[docs] def save_firefox_profile(self, remove_old=False): """Function to save the firefox profile to the permanant one""""Saving profile from %s to %s" % (self._profile.path, self._profile_path)) if remove_old: if os.path.exists(self._profile_path): try: shutil.rmtree(self._profile_path) except OSError: pass shutil.copytree(os.path.join(self._profile.path), self._profile_path, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns("parent.lock", "lock", ".parentlock")) else: for item in os.listdir(self._profile.path): if item in ["parent.lock", "lock", ".parentlock"]: continue s = os.path.join(self._profile.path, item) d = os.path.join(self._profile_path, item) if os.path.isdir(s): shutil.copytree(s, d, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns("parent.lock", "lock", ".parentlock")) else: shutil.copy2(s, d) with open(os.path.join(self._profile_path, self._LOCAL_STORAGE_FILE), 'w') as f: f.write(dumps(self.get_local_storage()))
def set_proxy(self, proxy):"Setting proxy to %s" % proxy) proxy_address, proxy_port = proxy.split(":") self._profile.set_preference("network.proxy.type", 1) self._profile.set_preference("network.proxy.http", proxy_address) self._profile.set_preference("network.proxy.http_port", int(proxy_port)) self._profile.set_preference("network.proxy.ssl", proxy_address) self._profile.set_preference("network.proxy.ssl_port", int(proxy_port))
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the selenium instance""" self.driver.close()
def __init__(self, client="firefox", username="API", proxy=None, command_executor=None, loadstyles=False, profile=None, headless=False, autoconnect=True, logger=None, extra_params=None, chrome_options=None): """Initialises the webdriver""" self.logger = logger or self.logger extra_params = extra_params or {} if profile is not None: self._profile_path = profile"Checking for profile at %s" % self._profile_path) if not os.path.exists(self._profile_path): self.logger.critical("Could not find profile at %s" % profile) raise WhatsAPIException("Could not find profile at %s" % profile) else: self._profile_path = None self.client = client.lower() if self.client == "firefox": if self._profile_path is not None: self._profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile(self._profile_path) else: self._profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() if not loadstyles: # Disable CSS self._profile.set_preference('permissions.default.stylesheet', 2) # Disable images self._profile.set_preference('permissions.default.image', 2) # Disable Flash self._profile.set_preference('', 'false') if proxy is not None: self.set_proxy(proxy) options = Options() if headless: options.set_headless() options.profile = self._profile capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX.copy() capabilities['webStorageEnabled'] = True"Starting webdriver") self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(capabilities=capabilities, options=options, **extra_params) elif self.client == "chrome": self._profile = if self._profile_path is not None: self._profile.add_argument("user-data-dir=%s" % self._profile_path) if proxy is not None: profile.add_argument('--proxy-server=%s' % proxy) for option in chrome_options: self._profile.add_argument(option) self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=self._profile, **extra_params) elif client == 'remote': if self._profile_path is not None: self._profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile(self._profile_path) else: self._profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX.copy() self.driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor=command_executor, desired_capabilities=capabilities, **extra_params ) else: self.logger.error("Invalid client: %s" % client) self.username = username self.wapi_functions = WapiJsWrapper(self.driver) self.driver.set_script_timeout(500) self.driver.implicitly_wait(10) if autoconnect: self.connect() def connect(self): self.driver.get(self._URL) local_storage_file = os.path.join(self._profile.path, self._LOCAL_STORAGE_FILE) if os.path.exists(local_storage_file): with open(local_storage_file) as f: self.set_local_storage(loads( self.driver.refresh()
[docs] def is_logged_in(self): """Returns if user is logged. Can be used if non-block needed for wait_for_login""" # self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(self._SELECTORS['mainPage']) # it becomes ridiculously slow if the element is not found. # instead we use this (temporary) solution: return 'class="app _3dqpi two"' in self.driver.page_source
[docs] def wait_for_login(self, timeout=90): """Waits for the QR to go away""" WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout).until( EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, self._SELECTORS['mainPage'])) )
def get_qr_plain(self): return self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(self._SELECTORS['qrCodePlain']).get_attribute("data-ref")
[docs] def get_qr(self, filename=None): """Get pairing QR code from client""" if "Click to reload QR code" in self.driver.page_source: self.reload_qr() qr = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(self._SELECTORS['qrCode']) if filename is None: fd, fn_png = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=self.username, suffix='.png') else: fd =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) fn_png = os.path.abspath(filename) self.logger.debug("QRcode image saved at %s" % fn_png) qr.screenshot(fn_png) os.close(fd) return fn_png
def screenshot(self, filename): self.driver.get_screenshot_as_file(filename)
[docs] def get_contacts(self): """ Fetches list of all contacts This will return chats with people from the address book only Use get_all_chats for all chats :return: List of contacts :rtype: list[Contact] """ all_contacts = self.wapi_functions.getAllContacts() return [Contact(contact, self) for contact in all_contacts]
[docs] def get_my_contacts(self): """ Fetches list of added contacts :return: List of contacts :rtype: list[Contact] """ my_contacts = self.wapi_functions.getMyContacts() return [Contact(contact, self) for contact in my_contacts]
[docs] def get_all_chats(self): """ Fetches all chats :return: List of chats :rtype: list[Chat] """ return [factory_chat(chat, self) for chat in self.wapi_functions.getAllChats()]
[docs] def get_all_chat_ids(self): """ Fetches all chat ids :return: List of chat ids :rtype: list[str] """ return self.wapi_functions.getAllChatIds()
[docs] def get_unread(self, include_me=False, include_notifications=False, use_unread_count=False): """ Fetches unread messages :param include_me: Include user's messages :type include_me: bool or None :param include_notifications: Include events happening on chat :type include_notifications: bool or None :param use_unread_count: If set uses chat's 'unreadCount' attribute to fetch last n messages from chat :type use_unread_count: bool :return: List of unread messages grouped by chats :rtype: list[MessageGroup] """ raw_message_groups = self.wapi_functions.getUnreadMessages(include_me, include_notifications, use_unread_count) unread_messages = [] for raw_message_group in raw_message_groups: chat = factory_chat(raw_message_group, self) messages = [factory_message(message, self) for message in raw_message_group['messages']] unread_messages.append(MessageGroup(chat, messages)) return unread_messages
[docs] def get_unread_messages_in_chat(self, id, include_me=False, include_notifications=False): """ I fetch unread messages from an asked chat. :param id: chat id :type id: str :param include_me: if user's messages are to be included :type include_me: bool :param include_notifications: if events happening on chat are to be included :type include_notifications: bool :return: list of unread messages from asked chat :rtype: list """ # get unread messages messages = self.wapi_functions.getUnreadMessagesInChat( id, include_me, include_notifications ) # process them unread = [factory_message(message, self) for message in messages] # return them return unread
# get_unread_messages_in_chat()
[docs] def get_all_messages_in_chat(self, chat, include_me=False, include_notifications=False): """ Fetches messages in chat :param include_me: Include user's messages :type include_me: bool or None :param include_notifications: Include events happening on chat :type include_notifications: bool or None :return: List of messages in chat :rtype: list[Message] """ message_objs = self.wapi_functions.getAllMessagesInChat(, include_me, include_notifications) messages = [] for message in message_objs: yield(factory_message(message, self))
[docs] def get_all_message_ids_in_chat(self, chat, include_me=False, include_notifications=False): """ Fetches message ids in chat :param include_me: Include user's messages :type include_me: bool or None :param include_notifications: Include events happening on chat :type include_notifications: bool or None :return: List of message ids in chat :rtype: list[str] """ return self.wapi_functions.getAllMessageIdsInChat(, include_me, include_notifications)
[docs] def get_message_by_id(self, message_id): """ Fetch a message :param message_id: Message ID :type message_id: str :return: Message or False :rtype: Message """ result = self.wapi_functions.getMessageById(message_id) if result: result = factory_message(result, self) return result
[docs] def get_contact_from_id(self, contact_id): """ Fetches a contact given its ID :param contact_id: Contact ID :type contact_id: str :return: Contact or Error :rtype: Contact """ contact = self.wapi_functions.getContact(contact_id) if contact is None: raise ContactNotFoundError("Contact {0} not found".format(contact_id)) return Contact(contact, self)
[docs] def get_chat_from_id(self, chat_id): """ Fetches a chat given its ID :param chat_id: Chat ID :type chat_id: str :return: Chat or Error :rtype: Chat """ chat = self.wapi_functions.getChatById(chat_id) if chat: return factory_chat(chat, self) raise ChatNotFoundError("Chat {0} not found".format(chat_id))
[docs] def get_chat_from_phone_number(self, number): """ Gets chat by phone number Number format should be as it appears in Whatsapp ID For example, for the number: +972-51-234-5678 This function would receive: 972512345678 :param number: Phone number :return: Chat :rtype: Chat """ for chat in self.get_all_chats(): if not isinstance(chat, UserChat) or number not in continue return chat self.create_chat_by_number(number) self.wait_for_login() for chat in self.get_all_chats(): if not isinstance(chat, UserChat) or number not in continue return chat raise ChatNotFoundError('Chat for phone {0} not found'.format(number))
def reload_qr(self): self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(self._SELECTORS['qrCode']).click()
[docs] def get_status(self): """ Returns status of the driver :return: Status :rtype: WhatsAPIDriverStatus """ if self.driver is None: return WhatsAPIDriverStatus.NotConnected if self.driver.session_id is None: return WhatsAPIDriverStatus.NotConnected try: self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(self._SELECTORS['mainPage']) return WhatsAPIDriverStatus.LoggedIn except NoSuchElementException: pass try: self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(self._SELECTORS['qrCode']) return WhatsAPIDriverStatus.NotLoggedIn except NoSuchElementException: pass return WhatsAPIDriverStatus.Unknown
[docs] def contact_get_common_groups(self, contact_id): """ Returns groups common between a user and the contact with given id. :return: Contact or Error :rtype: Contact """ for group in self.wapi_functions.getCommonGroups(contact_id): yield factory_chat(group, self)
def chat_send_message(self, chat_id, message): result = self.wapi_functions.sendMessage(chat_id, message) if not isinstance(result, bool): return factory_message(result, self) return result
[docs] def send_message_to_id(self, recipient, message): """ Send a message to a chat given its ID :param recipient: Chat ID :type recipient: str :param message: Plain-text message to be sent. :type message: str """ return self.wapi_functions.sendMessageToID(recipient, message)
[docs] def chat_send_seen(self, chat_id): """ Send a seen to a chat given its ID :param chat_id: Chat ID :type chat_id: str """ return self.wapi_functions.sendSeen(chat_id)
def chat_load_earlier_messages(self, chat_id): self.wapi_functions.loadEarlierMessages(chat_id) def chat_load_all_earlier_messages(self, chat_id): self.wapi_functions.loadAllEarlierMessages(chat_id) def async_chat_load_all_earlier_messages(self, chat_id): self.wapi_functions.asyncLoadAllEarlierMessages(chat_id) def are_all_messages_loaded(self, chat_id): return self.wapi_functions.areAllMessagesLoaded(chat_id) def group_get_participants_ids(self, group_id): return self.wapi_functions.getGroupParticipantIDs(group_id) def group_get_participants(self, group_id): participant_ids = self.group_get_participants_ids(group_id) for participant_id in participant_ids: yield self.get_contact_from_id(participant_id) def group_get_admin_ids(self, group_id): return self.wapi_functions.getGroupAdmins(group_id) def group_get_admins(self, group_id): admin_ids = self.group_get_admin_ids(group_id) for admin_id in admin_ids: yield self.get_contact_from_id(admin_id) def download_file(self, url): return b64decode(self.wapi_functions.downloadFile(url)) def download_media(self, media_msg): try: if media_msg.content: return BytesIO(b64decode(self.content)) except AttributeError: pass file_data = self.download_file(media_msg.client_url) media_key = b64decode(media_msg.media_key) derivative = HKDFv3().deriveSecrets(media_key, binascii.unhexlify(media_msg.crypt_keys[media_msg.type]), 112) parts = ByteUtil.split(derivative, 16, 32) iv = parts[0] cipher_key = parts[1] e_file = file_data[:-10] cr_obj = Cipher(algorithms.AES(cipher_key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=default_backend()) decryptor = cr_obj.decryptor() return BytesIO(decryptor.update(e_file) + decryptor.finalize())
[docs] def mark_default_unread_messages(self): """ Look for the latest unreplied messages received and mark them as unread. """ self.wapi_functions.markDefaultUnreadMessages()
[docs] def get_battery_level(self): """ Check the battery level of device :return: int: Battery level """ return self.wapi_functions.getBatteryLevel()
[docs] def leave_group(self, chat_id): """ Leave a group :param chat_id: id of group :return: """ return self.wapi_functions.leaveGroup(chat_id)
[docs] def delete_chat(self, chat_id): """ Delete a chat :param chat_id: id of chat :return: """ return self.wapi_functions.deleteConversation(chat_id)
def quit(self): self.driver.quit() def create_chat_by_number(self, number): url = self._URL + "/send?phone=" + number self.driver.get(url)